Mastopexy is an operation to lift sagging breasts without significantly changing their size. It is done for droopy breasts
Breast lift is done to: = A breast lift rejuvenates the female figure with a breast profile that is more youthful, uplifted and firm. This can dramatically improve the appearance of a woman's breasts = Remove the excess loose skin and thus tightens and reshapes the breast to make it firm and youthful looking = Surgically relocate the breasts to a higher location on the chest wall = Reduce the enlarged areola (pigmented skin surrounding the nipple)
In general, the best candidates for breast lift are: all women. « With stretched skin over the breast « With less breast volume than previous years = Not intending to lose a great deal of weight, get pregnant or breastfeed in the next 6 months « Not currently pregnant or breastfeeding * In good health « Wanting to improve their appearance
You'll get specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery, including guidelines on eating and drinking, smoking, and taking or avoiding certain vitamins and medications. Uepending on your age and family history, your surgeon may require you to have a mammogram (breast x-ray) before surgery. Blood thinning medications must be avoided at least 7days prior to your surgery.
Specific instructions on this will be given by your surgeon. If you smoke or consume tobacco in any form, plan to quit at least three weeks before your surgery and not to resume for at least three weeks after your surgery. Breast surgery should avoided immediately before or during mensturation. Carefully following these instructions will help your surgery go more smoothly. While you're making preparations, be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after your surgery and to help you out for a few days if needed.
Breast lifts are usually performed under general anesthesia, which means you'll sleep through the operation. In selected patients particularly when a smaller incision is being made the surgeon may use local anesthesia, combined with a sedative to make you drowsy. You'll be awake but relaxed, and will feel minimal discomfort.
Breast lift usually takes one and half to three and half hours. Techniques vary, but the most common procedure involves an anchor-shaped incision following the natural contour of the breast. The incision outlines the area from which breast skin will be removed and defines the new location for the nipple. When the excess skin has been removed, the nipple and areola are moved to the higher position. The skin surrounding the areola is then brought down and together to reshape the breast. Stitches are usually located around the areola, in a vertical line extending downwards from the nipple area, and along the lower crease of the breast. Some patients, especially those with relatively small breasts and minimal
Aging, May be candidates for modified procedures requiring less extensive incisions. One such procedure is the “doughnut (or concentric) mastopexy,” in which circular incisions are made around the areola, and a doughnut-shaped area ‘skin is removed.
Yes it can. If you're having an implant inserted along with your breast lift, it Will be placed in a pocket directly under the breast tissue, or deeper, under the uscle of the chest wall.
The breasts will be strapped in a firm compressive dressing, till the drains are removed and then you will be advised to weara firm supportive bra continuously for 8 weeks. As the wounds are closed with absorbable sutures, stitch removal is not usually necessary. You will be allowed to go home either on the same day or whenever you feel comfortable.
After the operation, you will notice an immediate and dramatic change in the shape of your breasts. Most women are very pleased immediately after surgery. Some numbness is normal after surgery and may persist permanently, but almost all women feel that it is worth it. You must weara bra for support for at least several weeks to a couple of months and also avoid an under wire bra as it may cause a blister on the delicate postoperative tissues.
The benefits of breast lifting can be summarized as follows: - Repositioning nipple to a more youthful location Enhancing the cleavage More projected breasts Better fitting clothes Improved self-confidence
The results of a breast lift will not be permanent. Your breasts will be more youthful and full than they would have been without the surgery. However, the effects of gravity, pregnancy, and weight changes will continue to affect your breasts over time.
These have been mentioned in the “Anesthesia Consent Form.” Please discuss this with your Anesthetist before signing the Anesthesia Consent Form.
While majority of patients have an uneventful surgery and recovery, few cases may be associated with complications. These are seen infrequently and not all the ones listed below are applicable to one individual. However it is important that you are aware of the complications/risks that may arise out of this procedure
Note: The listed risks and complications are not all inclusive = Infection usually prevented and treated by antibiotics = Occasionally swelling, pain and bruising may occur, which will subside gradually. = Rarely heavy bleeding from broken blood vessels can occur and lead to collection of blood whicn then requires removal in the operation theatre - Delayed wound healing. This is very rare after a standard breast lift * Temporary or permanent changes or loss of sensation in the nipple or breast tissue = Unevenly positioned nipples « You may also notice slight size or shape differences between your breasts = Occasionally, infection (usually from microorganisms that are lying dormant in the ducts of the breast) can cause part of the wounds to break down which prolongs the healing period and worsens the quality of the final scars.