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70091-82189, 9877149002

Best Pathology Lab in Amritsar

EMC group of hospitals are specialized in providing high-quality pathology services. The department of pathology is concerned with investigating the causes and effects of any disease or injury prevailing in the body.

Our expert team of doctors and assistant staff, under the enlightenment of Dr. Naina Vij (MD), are using their findings to diagnose and treat the illness in patients.

Our hospitals are fully equipped with all the modern technologies and laboratories for accurately performing the analysis of the human samples of blood, tissue and other fluids.

EMC group of hospitals and team strive hard and selflessly take care of every and any patient.

Scope of Services

We operate a high-end laboratory on a 24×7 basis, offering a full spectrum of clinical pathology services, including:

  • Biochemistry
  • Haemotology
  • Serology
  • Microbiology
  • Histopathology
  • Cytology
EMC Hospital

Latest Technology

  • Roche Cobas C311 for both routine and specialised biochemistry
  • Cobas E411 for immunoassay analysis, including all hormonal tests, tumour markers and vitamins.
  • BD automated Microbiology testing analyser for automated detection of microorganisms.
  • ACL Elite Pro Fully automated analyser for coagulation studies

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