Tips To Maintain A Healthy Prostate
Healthy lifestyle has always been a core theme of the Indian way of life right from ancient times. However, it is indeed ironic that we are fast emerging as the hub of life style diseases. Around 25-30% of the men above 60 years of age have hy- pertension and BPH. It has been suggested that age is the concerning and common factor for both the diseases. Because of this correlation, it is recommended to monitor blood pressure (BP) by Urologists in all cases of BPH and to assess urinary functions in all elderly males with hypertension by the physicians.
“Almost 2 out of every 3 men in India suffer from moderate-severe symptoms due to BPH and about 50% or more of these patients visiting a doc- tor are at risk of worsening of symptoms and complications. Research has shown that development of BPH, is linked (causally) to aging-a non-modifiable risk factor and several modifiable risk factors like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity which in turn are caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.” Says Dr. Naveen goyal.
He further adds “The symptoms are frequently worsened by habits like excessive drinking of water-wrongly believed to ‘wash out’ all illnesses from the body as also excessive drinking of tea and coffee. It thus follows that breaking these faulty habits and controlling or preventing lifestyle dis- eases like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity will help to both prevent BPH as also its worsening and complications.”
As discussed earlier, it is also ad- vised that elderly patients with co- morbid conditions like concomitant hypertension, diabetes and symptomatic BPH should be treated optimally for both diseases, in order to minimize life-threatening complications. It is important for patient to discuss treatment options with the doctor and follow his advice.
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MS, MCh Genito Urinary Surgery
EMC Hospital Green Avenue
Manage fluid intake within 1.5-2 Liters/day with minor adjustments for climate and physical activity Avoid fluids within 2 hours’ of going to bed or before long outdoor trips
ii. Avoid or cut down on caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, energy drinks etc.
iii. Maintain a healthy diet by adding 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables daily, especially those with deep, bright color. Also, eat wholegrain items rather than refined ones like white bread, pasta, potatoes etc. iv. Moderately exercise for at least 30 minutes on at least 4 days a week. Ensure that you have your doctor’s fitness clearance before embarking upon any exercise programme.
- Have a sound and refreshing sleep for 7-8 hours daily vi. A healthy diet, exercise and relaxation not only help to keep your sugars, blood pressure and cholesterol in check but also help to get rid of constipation, which worsens BPH symptoms.
vii. Do not consume too spicy food as it increases the frequency of urination viii. Quit smoking and avoid alcohol